Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chapter 6 Summary


Computer Network:                               

A system that connects computers and other devices (e.g. printers, smart phones) via communications media so that data can be transmitted among them.

Bandwidth:  Is for capacity and speed.

Broadband: Is multi signal capability.

Types of Computer Networks:

Local Area Networks (LAN):
connect two or more devices in limited region in the same building.
Every device can communicate with other  devices.
Trade-offs between:
  • Speed
  • Distance
  • Cost
* To connect to the LAN Network/ must we have NIC Card.
* NIC Card allows the computer to connect with LAN communication.

Network Server: Control the computers in LAN communication.
* Server give us the speed.
* Server connect all the computers.

 Wide Area Networks (WAN):
  • Will be in a large reign/ not limited.
  • Have large capacity.
  • It has a routers. ( device or modem that read the message and make a part of working).
* Example of WAN Network: Telecommunication companies and Internet.

Enterprise Networks:

Is in the organization. Example: SQU Net.
It include a complex of LAN and WAN networks.

Backbone Network: Is a speed in central network.

Networks transmit information with two types of signals:

Analog Signals: Continuous waves.                                

Have two parameters:
1- How is high
2- How is closed.

Digital Signals: Discrete pulses that are either ON or OFF , representing a series of bits (0s and 1s).

Modem:  Include moving from:
  • Digital signal to analog signal (Modulator)
  • Analog signal to Digital signal (Demodulator)      


See this video

Communication Media and Channels:

Link between two computers.

1.Wireline Media (Cable):
  • Twisted-Pair Wire: Transmission will be slow and very cheap.
  • Coaxial Cable: Expensive than Twisted.
  • Fiber: More expensive and very fast/ use glass for wire.
2.Wireless Media (Broadcast):
  • Microwave: Linking computer with country.
  • Satellite: Linking computers.
  • Radio: Linking computers.
  • Infrared: Data can transfer from one to another/ connect to our computer and device.

Transmission Technologies:

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL):
Is a technology that provides high speed transmission of digital data . 40 Mbps.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM):
More fast than DSL, use fiber cable and it is more expensive than DSL.

Network Protocol:

Rules of network (sharing data).
Ethernet: In local network.

Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP): Role for using Internet.

Packet Switching: When we have a huge message we divide it into small packets.
Each packet has number to distance. Then packet get into routes.

Types of Network Processing:

Distributed Processing: Divide processing between two or more computers.
Client-Server Computing: Client and server sharing their work.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) processing: Each computer act both client and server.

The Internet and the World Wide Web:

  • The Internet (“the Net”)
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Addresses on the Internet
  • The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names (ICANN) 
  • The Web / World Wide Web / WWW/ W3
  • Website
  • Webpage
  • Home Page
  • Webmaster

Network Applications:

Discovery: To search and browse data source. Example: search engine.    

  • Electronic mail (e-mail)
  • Web-based call centers 
  • Electronic chat room
  • Voice Communication
  • Unified Communications

Collaboration: Group of people work in one site.
  • Work group
  • Virtual group (team)
  • Virtual collaboration
  • Workflow technologies
  • Groupware:
  • Teleconferencing
  • Videoconference
  • Web conferencing
  •  Real-time collaboration tools.
Web services: Site that we can upload and download from it.

Telepresence Systems:

  • The latest version of videoconferencing
  • enable participants to seamlessly share data, voice, images, graphics, video, and animation electronically.


learning supported by the Web.
  • Students have the flexibility of learning from any place at any time at their own pace.
  •  Online materials deliver high-quality, current content.
  •  Training costs can be reduced.
  • Instructors may need training to be able to teach electronically.
  • Students must be computer literate.
  • There are issues with assessing students’ work.

Telecommuting/ Teleworking:                            

Allows workers to work anytime and anyplace.
For employee:
  • Reduced stress, improved family life
  • Employment opportunities for single parents and persons with disabilities.
For Employers:
  •  Increased productivity
  • Ability to retain skilled employees
For employee:
  • Feelings of isolation
  • No workplace visibility
  • Potential for slower promotions
For employers:
  • Difficulties in supervising work
  • Potential information security problems
  • Additional training costs



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