Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chapter 3 Summary

Ethics: Deal with what is right and what is wrong.                       
Code of ethic: Organization Ethical value.
  • It is a principle to guide decision making by members on the organization.
  • Connection of roles on the organization.

Ethical Frameworks:

Utilitarian Approach: Ethical Action that provide most good or least harm.
 Rights Approach:
Ethical Action that protect and respect the moral rights.
Moral Rights:
  • The right to make your own choices
  • The right to be told the truth
  • The right of privacy 
Fairness Approach:
Ethical Action that keep all human are equally/ fairly based on defensible standard.
Common good Approach:
Ethical Action that underline the relationship in all societies.

Fundamental Tenets of Ethics:

See this video
Create the decision and actions by yourself.

Determine who is responsible for action.

Individual that have the rights to recover damages to them by other individual/ organization or system.


Privacy Issues:
Privacy: Right to be left alone and to be free of unreasonable personal intrusions.

Accuracy Issues:
Involve fidelity and accuracy of information that is collected and processed

Property Issues:  
Involve the ownership and value of information.
Accessibility Issues:
Revolve around who should have access to information and whether they should have to pay for this access.

Threats to Privacy:

  • Data aggregators
  • Digital dossiers 
  • Profiling
  • Electronic Surveillance
  • Personal Information in Databases
  • Social Networking Sites

Protecting Privacy:

Privacy Codes and Policies
Opt-out Model:
Keep the permission to the company to collect the information about you.
Opt-in Model:
Tell the company to does not collect the information about you if you don not ask.

P3P: Is a standard to give users more control over personal information.

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