Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chapter 5 Summary

Difficulties in Managing Data:

  • Increase rapidly.
  • Are scattered.
  • Are come from many sources.
  • Data security quality are critical.
  • Some information systems are not communicate with each other.
  • Data Degrades overtime.
  • Data rot.
To solve this difficulties of data we use DBMS
- Data management system will minimize:
  • Data repeated.
  • Separate Data/ not linking data.
  • Data isolation.
  • Data inconsistency
- Data management system will maximize:
  • Safety of data/ data security.
  • Data integrity.
  • Data Independence.

 Data Hierarchy:        

                      See this video                      

Bit: smallest unit of data a computer can handle.

Byte: eight bits and represents a single character

Field: is a group of related characters/ the heading of the columns.

Record:  a group of logically related fields.

File: a group of related records.

Database: a group of related files.

Data model:

A diagram that represents the entities in the database and their relationships.

Foreign Key; A field in one table that uniquely identifies a row (record) of another table. It is used to establish and enforce a link between two tables.

 ER diagrams: consists of entities, attributes and relationships.
  • One-to-One [1:1]
  • One-to-Many [1:M]
  • Many-to-Many [M:M]


Requesting Data from a database:

Structured Query Language (SQL):
Allows users to perform complicated searches (request information) by using relatively simple statements or keywords. 

Query by Example (QBE): 
Allows users to fill out a grid or template to construct a sample or description of the data he or she wants.

Data Dictionary:

  • Defines the format necessary to enter the data into the database.
  • Provides information on each attributes. 
  • Provides information on how often the attribute should be updated . 

Normalization & Non-Normalization:

Normalization: Organize table and use the information according to the name of table. (separate)

Non-Normalization: Does not organize the table and use all the information together/ different information. (mixed)

  The profits of Normalization:           

  • Reduce redundancy.
  • Increase Data integrity.
  • Best processing.

Data warehouse:

Data is stored in one big place. Collection of current and historical data.

Benefits of data warehouse:
  • The users can access and process data on line, easily and quickly.
  • Analysis data in way that is not possible before.
  • Get the all results or report from the organization.
Problems with data warehouse:
  • very expensive to build.
  • Keep the system difficult.
  • Don not keep people to share data with other department.

Data mart:

A small data warehouse, designed for the end-user needs in a strategic business unit (SBU) or a department.

Benefits of data mart:
  • less costly than a data warehouse (around R.O. 40, 000)
  • Can be implemented more quickly (around 3 months)
  • More rapid response and easier to learn and navigate.

Knowledge management (KM):

Is a process supported by IS. (Transfer knowledge from individual knowledge to organization knowledge).
 Benefits of KM:

  • Free flow of idea.
  • better way to solving problems.
  • Achieve revenue.
  • Develop retention  rate.

KM cycle:


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